What am I doing?  I’m 28, with little significant experience in computer science, a basic understanding of a couple of formal languages, and at least 5 to 6 years worth of study and work ahead of me.  Honestly, at this point in my life there are only a couple of things I can really say about myself of note.  I once knew how to play the french horn well, I have experience in several languages, and I’m intelligent.  What am I expecting from a venture into an entirely different field at this point in my life?  

Other women may say, you’re 28 what are you complaining about?  However with the amount of information one needs to ingest in order to be effective and efficient in a career today, I’m sorely behind.  Honestly, I’m scared.

Applications is an emerging market.  I have a whiz for a mentor, and a couple of months to feel like I know even slightly what I’m doing.  I’m so scared.  How on earth is this going to work?