It’s time to get back to work on some of my programming projects. I’ve been catching up and enjoying my free time a bit much. The garden is half planted. It won’t take much more to get the rest of it finished up.

Part of my free time has been filled with working on Duolingo, doing the basic exercises to warm up my German. I’ve been doing some translation work again at my day job, and going through these exercises (while simplistic at times), still keeps my brain sharp to check for defined/undefined pronouns and so forth.

I’ve also been participating in the 100 pushup challenge. I’m up to week three and I’m really feeling the difference. Continuing to Rock Climb as well; one of these days I’ll get a picture up.

But back to programming and what to start with/where to go now? I’ve done a fair bit of Codecademy now, so I think it’s time to finish up some existing projects. Completing a couple of html/css aspects for my blog might be the first order of business, and then on to finishing up my game. Not to mention finishing up all the Codecademy courses, or looking into Coursera or more MIT OCW stuffs.