To all who celebrate this holiday, a Happy Thanksgiving to you. To all those who don’t, sorry you missed out on the delicious grub and awesome cultural excuse to eat tons of pie. Which, my mother made an amazing pecan pie this year. Many kudos go to her.

On top of that I finished the main python track on Codecademy. Excitement ensued until I realized there were additional problems under the python section that weren’t part of the track. Guess I still have a bit to go tonight.

Nevertheless I am very thankful tonight. I’m thankful for the pleasant evening I had with my family. I’m thankful for Codecademy and MIT OCW, as they have provided me with a great way to learn programming. I’m thankful to my best friend Gary, for helping me get back into rock climbing. I’m thankful for my friend Jens, who will be letting Robey and I stay with him for a time while in Germany.

I’m thankful for my many good friends, as the relationships I have with them make my life more meaningful and complete. This is a very different Thanksgiving than I’ve had in years past. I’m thankful for so many things today. I’m happy, I’m relaxed, life is good.

Now please imagine me dancing to electro-swing as I jive away from this blog post…