November Reflections
I am very busy right now. I’ve picked up rock climbing again (along with my regularly scheduled soccer games), I’m working on learning to program almost everyday, and I’m trying to get everything ready for the trip to Germany.
I’m making Robey and I some new flannel pajamas and booties (read: crocheted imitation socks), and I have to get all christmas gifts completed before we go. That means lots of crocheting, sewing, and stress.
I’m continuing to have issues with the weather. Getting outside helps with my mood, however it’s so wet, raining and dreary that it makes me a different kind of grumpy. I’m trying to write up some actual programming entries, but work is also busy with having to get everything ready for the month I’ll be gone. All in all keeping up is about all I can do right now.
Luckily I’m still programming, and Codecademy is still increasing their course offerings. I’m falling behind on the Mechanical MOOC coursework, but I’m keeping up with learning python via Codecademy so I’m not falling too far behind.
I’m super sad about one thing though. I wanted to visit with a cousin of mine who was in town this past weekend, but wasn’t able to simply because I had to keep making things for the trip to Germany. This was the last totally empty weekend I had to get any work done on sewing projects related to the trip.
Does anyone else find it hard to keep up with all your friends? I certainly feel that way, all the time. Oh, on a side note I am now certified to drive a forklift. Now I get to go and move around heavy drums of dangerous chemicals with large machinery. Next up, motorcycle.